How to do effective oral nerve blocks

- that are easy to place without doing any damage

Start placing nerve blocks today for calm and safe anesthesias while eliminating post-op pain


Does this sound familiar?

  • You just started your extraction, but you quickly have to stop because the patient is almost jumping off the table
  • You slide in the luxator and start to twist. Soon after the dog starts panting and the heart rate goes up. You turn up the inhalent gas, or give propofol, knowing that it doesn't provide any analgesia - but you need to get the dog calmed down NOW
  • During the extraction of a canine tooth, the nurse constantly makes you pause the procedure because the dog needs another fentanyl bolus

How local blocks will help you

  • Local blocks will enable you to turn the vaporizer down, reducing anesthetic depth making the anesthesia lighter and safer
  • The blood pressure and temperature will be normalized
  • Faster recovery 

I'm Morten

I am a dental veterinarian. I am on a mission to teach you the knowledge they should have taught you in vet school.  I will show you all my tips and tricks that will make you fast and confident.

My teaching style is extremely visual and straightforward. I show you the procedures in a step-by-step fashion that will make you able to do them yourself no matter your level of experience. 


If you aren’t completely satisfied with my courses, let me know and you will get your investment refunded.